Wednesday, December 21, 2011

People These Days

So I was at a Christmas pageant and afterward they served cookies and punch. So you know I was getting cookies and everything and then I just see these people piling cookies on their tiny little plates like it's no tomorrow. I'm just sitting here thinking "Why are people so selfish nowadays?" If you really think about it everybody seems to be wanting more than what they actually have. I know that sometimes things can get into the way of my life and it seems like i'm wanting more and more but then i realize that there are some people that are less fortunate than I am and that I should be grateful for what I have. Some people need to realize that too.

1 comment:

  1. you seem to have an old soul such as I did at your age... write more, your thoughts are perfect to help others... the fact that you have the same name as my granddaughter, who is Jillian... makes me like you even more! lol
